
About this blog

Welcome to the new home of Seeing the Environmental Forest. The name of the blog is a play on the old saying “Can’t see the forest for the trees.” You can still find the original on Blogspot at https://environmentalforest.blogspot.com/. I’ll continue posting on climate science, ecological and environmental issues, using R to do my own analyses when feasible, and citing peer-reviewed literature along the way as I always have.

About the author:

I started this blog as a doctoral student in environmental science to explain the scientific underpinnings of climate change and other environmentally related topics, something that I think is (still) sorely lacking in public debate and even in science classrooms. While there are great websites out there that debunk various myths (eg Real Climate, Skeptical Science, etc), I wanted to explain what we know as I would to a class of first year students. My intent has always been to help non-scientists understand that we’re not guessing and it’s not just a computer model—there’s actual evidence and data that back all of this up. Most of all, I want to focus on the big picture and explain the details without losing focus on the big picture.

When I’m not in front of my MacBook pouring over R scripts, I enjoy my family, reading, disc golf, and sailing our O’Day Mariner.